1 Jeffrey St W. Tilbury, ON, N0P 2L0 | (519) 682-1263| tilburydentalcare@hotmail.com


The Top Benefits of Dental Implants

Whether due to decay, injury or other issues, missing teeth can drastically impact oral health, appearance and quality of life. Fortunately, dental implants offer an effective solution for tooth replacement that restores both function and aesthetics. As one of the most advanced options, dental implants provide numerous advantages over other treatments like dentures or bridges.  The Top Benefits Of Choosing Dental Implant: Natural Look and Feel One of the key advantages of dental implants is how natural they look and feel compared to other tooth replacement alternatives. Implants are placed surgically like artificial roots in the jawbone, allowing them to hold replacement teeth in place securely. This closely mimics how real teeth are anchored, giving implant-supported teeth a natural appearance. They don't distort your smile or accentuate tooth loss like removable options. With dentures or bridges, the lack of stable roots sometimes shows through with an unnatural settling or shifting. [...]

By |2024-05-28T12:09:11-04:0015 February 2024|Dental Implants|0 Comments

10 Ways To Keep Your Teeth Healthy

Taking good care of your teeth and gums is essential for overall health. Practicing proper oral hygiene habits helps ensure a beautiful, long-lasting smile that functions optimally. As trusted Tilbury dentists, we understand maintaining healthy teeth requires a consistent routine tailored to individual needs and risk factors.  Our Top 10 Tips For Keeping Your Teeth In Tip-top Shape: 1. Brush Twice Daily Brushing with a soft-bristled toothbrush and fluoride toothpaste is the most important thing you can do to remove food debris and plaque from your teeth. Brush for at least two minutes twice daily - in the morning and before bedtime. Focusing on each tooth surface and gumline properly cleans areas most prone to decay and disease. 2. Floss Daily Brushing alone does not entirely remove debris that gets stuck between teeth and below the gumline. Flossing disrupts bacteria hiding in these interdental spaces and is essential for gum [...]

By |2024-02-01T14:11:04-05:0019 January 2024|Dental Tips|0 Comments
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